New Year - NEW YOU - Life Coaching Session
50 Million Dollars in sales in 10 years.
Borrowed $99 and turned it into Multiple 7 Figures earned.
Thousands upon thousands of lives changed.
That is my business track record.
I’ve been married for 16 years.
Homeschool 5 kids.
Raised 5 kiddos that love the Lord.
I’ve faithfully walked with the Lord for 20 years.
I talk to Him often. ;)
We sold out all previous sessions. I will be doing Texting sessions January 7th & 8th.
How it works: You can text me any time (no set time) during those days with your questions or concerns. That could be business wise, starting a business, growing your business etc or personal. Whether you’re struggling in parenting, direction in life, marriage etc.
You will receive my cell # automatically with brief instructions on an email.
When I did coaching 8 years ago I charged $300 and I sold out all my sessions.
Due to inflation I am making the sessions $127 (This including texting sessions both days!)
FYI - You can text both days.
To reserve your spot please head below.
This is NOT an ongoing thing I do so if you want your spot, claim it.
Once all spots are taken I will remove the Shopify link.