Holistic PET PDF

Holistic PET PDF

Regular price $10.00

Pet (Dogs/Cats primarily) Holistic Care PDF. (16 Pages)

Our animals have zero health issues and have bee treated holistically for 8 years now. 

Preventative Care - keeping your pets healthy. 

EMF/Flea/Tick Prevention/Protection

How I use Fulvic Acid, BSO, Sovereign Silver, Oil of Oregano to prevent & treat- Education and Dosage. 

Treating ear infections holistically.

In home tests we use - Sensitivities and Wellness.

The pet ultrasound machine we use. 

Pet Care - Organic Flea Shampoo & flea repellent spray, excellent organic line we use ( a plethora of products for different needs). Ear flush for infections. 

Raw Food education and links to two different raw food companies we trust. 

Best kibble, Treats and Bones (for dogs). 

How we prevent heart worm. 

Education - BARF diet, Vaccines & allergic reactions. 

Cancer info and education. 

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